
Blizzcon Curtain raising Ceremonial occasion

This is a big Hall. Seriously – a rattling, truly, big hall … and soon, it's all fully. You can real get a sense of how many hoi polloi are present when the crowd goes absolutely nuts just for the opening announcement. "Ladies and Gentlemen, take your seats! We're about to begin!"

Gary Plattner comes to introduce Blizzard founder and Chief executive officer Mike Morhaime. Mike gets quite the cheer, of course.

Morhaime begins by poking a bit of self-deprecating fun at himself: "We stimulate a great read planned for you… We ameliorate, justly? After what you guys went through to get tickets!" Helium goes on to thank the crowd for taking fourth dimension to touch on Anaheim to celebrate all things Blizzard. Gives a shoutout to everyone watching at home happening Pay-Per-View. Someone shouts unfashionable "Losers!" and the crowd laughs.

While they spend all year working along games, and acquiring to play their games, Blizzcon is a specialized time for them to show pre-release variation of games to their most dedicated fans.

For the 2005 Blizzcon, it took tickets 3 weeks to sell up. This year, tickets went in about 15 minutes. They sold 15,000 tickets – double over the amount from last year, and the demand was clearly a great deal higher than even that.

Morhaime says that there are people from 27 diametrical countries here, and that if WoW were a country, IT would comprise the 75th most populated rural area in the world. He then jokes that there are representatives from 28 incompatible countries here, but it falls a little unerect.

This is the first time that they have brand-new games from all cardinal of their universes to play – including Diablo 3 – we'll make up the first people outside of Rash to search the world of Sanctuary in 3D.

The purpose of the WorldWide Missive events is to support the dumfounding e-sports community close to their games. City of Light was the first WWI to be held outside South Korea. They then register a highlight real from the Paris WWI, and there are cheers for when they show the bunch's response to the first Diablo 3 dawdler.

Morhaime continues away saying that Snowstorm has been at the cutting edge of e-sports from the rootage. It's because of the players, and their dedication – they are the reason Blizzard games have been played in much 100 tournaments in more 30 countries, in just 2008 alone.

Not only will BlizzCon have the standard WoW, WC3, and SC tournaments, but this class they'll be having the for the first time ever official StarCraft 2 tournament. Beautiful positive reaction from the crowd there.

At Paris, the total prize money they gave out in tournaments was $100,000. Here, the sum is double that – $200,000.

Morhaime says that this is a peculiarly exciting case, because we are connected the eve of a Brobdingnagian event next month – and he doesn't mean the election. On the 13th of Nov, Northrend will yawning … and Arthas will be waiting. There will be midnight opening events at stores around the globe, and developers will be sent out to places or so the worldwide to suffer players and sign copies.

While He acknowledges that to the highest degree of us attendees have probably seen the WotLK intro cinematic unveiled at Leipzig in August, we credibly haven't seen it on screens quite this sized. So they show it again. It's still an awesome trailer, even Thomas More so with cockeyed surround intelligent that shakes the entire elbow room. They've got some right powerful subwoofers here.

They also have news program to share about StarCraft Deuce – developing is approaching on well, and while the back isn't quite ready for beta testing yet, when it is completely Blizzcon attendees will have access – there's a beta key in our kickshaw bag.

Switching to Diablo, Morhaime formally announces the new D3 playable class, the Wizard. Like the Barbarian and the Necromancer, the Thaumaturgist will be playable Here. Players will rag venture into the Tristram catacombs from the first game, where they'll encounter a familiar foe from the first game: the Skeletal system Big businessman.

They show a laggard (comprised of in-game footage) for the Wizard. She gets attacked by a mob of undead, merely quickly uses an AoE blast to toss off them complete. We get a spirit at more or less of the unweathered spells; she has a channeled "Disintegrate" beam that she uses to blast down a wall on top of undead, some sort of icy blast to freeze enemies opaque. We too consider that the Wizard has what looks like a Chain Lightning, a bubble shield that reflects projectiles, a rain of meteors, and though it flashes too quickly to order, it appears that the Adept has the Necromancer's Clay Explosion spell. The trailer ends with her confronting a fully-armored Male monarch Leoric.

Tonight, there will comprise the standardized contests – costume, dance, imitation … there volition also constitute a /dizzy contest, for entrants to render their second-best Blizzard-consanguineous one-liners. He predicts that information technology'll either be tons of fun, or pretty painful.

Tomorrow, at the last ceremony, there leave be an appearance past musical organisation group Video Games Live, as well as Blizzard-employee metal band, Level 80 Elite Tauren Chieftain. Atomic number 2 then thanks the States all for attending and with that, the con formally begins!