Funny Car Crash in Denver 1989

Fate meted misery and miracles in nearly equal measure when United Airlines Flight 232 crashed at the Sioux City airport on July 19, 1989.

The DC-10 was bound for Chicago when the tail engine exploded. Shrapnel from the blast shredded hydraulic lines. The pilots lost all flight controls. The odds of such a failure were one in a billion. The odds of survival were even worse. But an unprecedented show of skill and ingenuity by the pilots combined with a magnificently coordinated response by an army of rescue workers on the ground saved 184 of the 296 people aboard the flight.

What happened

Flight 232 took off from Denver bound for Chicago at 2:09 p.m., July 19, 1989. At 3:16 p.m., some 37,000 feet over Alta, Iowa, the tail engine exploded.

A microscopic flaw in an engine part, investigators later discovered, caused it to fail. Debris severed hydraulic lines. The fluid leaked out in about two seconds.

Capt. Alfred C. "Al" Haynes struggled to fly a plane without flight controls. The crippled plane began to turn steeply. It was in danger of turning upside down, which would have resulted in an immediate crash.

Haynes, First Officer William Records and Second Officer Dudley Dvorak eventually gained control of the aircraft. By adjusting the thrust to the two remaining engines — one on each wing — they could stabilize the plane.

Haynes would bring one engine to idle and push the other to full throttle. The result was a crude type of steering.

The worst-case scenario

Dennis E. "Denny" Fitch sat in first class. He was an off-duty United Airlines DC-10 flight instructor. He was on his way home to Chicago for a three-day weekend after teaching a course in Denver.

Haynes invited Fitch into the cockpit and assigned him to work the throttles. Hayes radioed the FAA and United Airlines for help.

The problem: There were no backup plans for a DC-10 with total hydraulic failure. This was the worst-case scenario.

"Dear God, I have 296 lives literally in my two hands," Fitch told documentary filmmaker Errol Morris for a 2001 episode of the series "First Person." "The first thing that strikes your mind is ... 'I'm going to die this afternoon.' The only question that remains is, 'How long is it going to take Iowa to hit me?'"

This file photo from July 20, 1989 shows a lone guard standing by a portion of the DC-10 aircraft of United flight 232 that crash landed at the Sioux City Gateway Airport. There were many fatalities, but also many survivors.

Sioux City the best spot for crash landing

Haynes considered putting down in Lincoln or Omaha in Nebraska or Des Moines. But control over the airplane was so poor that he decided Sioux City was closer and the best spot.

The plane took a looping, squiggly flight path over Iowa toward Sioux City.

Fitch became more adept at handling the throttles. He realized he could not slow the plane to less than 250 mph. A DC-10 typically approaches an airport at just over half that speed.

The cockpit voice recorder captured the pilots as they neared Sioux City Gateway Airport. Haynes retained his sense of humor.

The air traffic control cleared United 232 for any runway.

Haynes laughed and replied, "You want to be particular and make it a runway, huh?"

But the situation was grim, and he knew it.

"Whatever you do," Haynes said on the recording, "keep us away from the city."

A DC-10 weighs about 330,000 pounds, and the lack of hydraulics meant no brakes, either. Haynes and Fitch tried to set the plane down on the runway as early as possible so the drag would slow the plane.

This aerial file photo shows the crash path of United flight 232 at the Sioux City Gateway Airport.

"The beautiful thing was that at the end of the runway was a field laced in corn," Fitch later said in the documentary. "I thought, 'Perfect.' We may leave the runway, but if we go into that cornfield, we can use all that plant matter to slow us down. We were gonna open eight doors, slides are gonna inflate, 296 souls are going to slide down, and we're going to the nearest saloon and I'm buying."

It was not to be that happy a landing.

The plane explodes, breaks into four pieces

The plane was going too fast when it hit the runway. Haynes ordered Fitch to reduce speed. Fitch said, "I can't. That's what's holding your wing up."

If Fitch dropped power to the engines, the nose would pitch down, and the wing would fall. Everyone would die.

Fitch saw the plane was sinking too fast. He tried to bring the nose up by pushing the engines to maximum power and then pulling them back at the final moment.

"But there just wasn't time," he told Morris.

Just before 4 p.m., the right wing of United 232 dipped down and scraped the runway. Fuel spilled. The plane exploded and broke into four pieces.

The main wreckage slid into a cornfield and caught fire.

Rescuers mobilized from all over area

Two Sioux City hospitals — including a regional burn center — were in the midst of shift change. That meant more people were available to treat survivors.

The Iowa Air National Guard was on duty at the Sioux City airport. Nearly 300 airmen assisted with search, rescue and triage.

The 45 minutes between the exploded engine and the crash allowed rescuers from surrounding communities to get to the airport along with local authorities.

Just two years before, Gary Brown, the Woodbury County emergency management director who worked the crash in 1989, participated in a regional large plane crash drill.

Rescuers from surrounding communities and local authorities had 45 minutes after an engine exploded on United Airlines Flight 232 to get to the Sioux City airport before the plane crash-landed on July 19, 1989.

The training merged with the generosity and hustle of thousands of volunteers who rushed to the scene from every walk of life.

The final National Transportation Safety Board report on the crash credited the massive rescue effort with saving 41 lives of people who would have otherwise died after the crash.

Looking back on the crash

An anniversary for a disaster such as United 232 is a difficult day to mark.

Is it a memorial for the 112 dead? A celebration for the 184 who lived and those who fought to save them?

The Register reached out to Haynes and others as the 25th anniversary of the crash approached.

Haynes praised the flight crew, the rescue teams and the hospitals. But more than two decades after the crash, he remained saddened that the flight attendants never received the recognition he says they deserved.

"On my mind forever will be the thoughts of the 112 who did not survive," he added.

Fitch, who died in 2012 of brain cancer, said in the documentary: "I would gladly trade my life for theirs because I had the responsibility. We as a crew were able to save 184. But the rationale that these people lived that otherwise wouldn't have doesn't suffice to take away these feelings."

Perhaps Dr. David Greco, who was aboard a helicopter ambulance and worked the crash scene, summed it up best: "For the past 25 years, since witnessing the crash from a helicopter, I've been asking myself, 'Disaster or miracle?' "

In the end, it is both and more.

The Rev. Greg Clapper, a retired Iowa Air National Guard chaplain, worked the crash site. He worked with U.S. military personnel suffering post-traumatic stress disorder and other psychological ailments brought on by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In the echoes of their sadness, Clapper heard the same cries from those who tried to help United 232: "I just feel like I could have done something to save more."

"Some people carry this guilt for their whole lives," Clapper said in an email to the Register. "The deeper spiritual truth that I tried to help others to see, a truth has made all the difference in many lives, once it is understood and embodied is this: We cannot control everything that we would like to."

Brown, the emergency management director, would add another lesson."If there's a legacy to 232 that's worth remembering 25 years from now or 125 years from now, it's this: Never let go of the desire to help other people," Brown said. "A lot of things have changed and will change in this country, but that's not gone. We still hold that close that no matter what, you've got to help each other."


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